Friday, 27 May 2016

When you gotta bag...

And it needs a bitta 'bling'  what do you do??

Look, I'll show you... this is the bag:

Plain isn't it??  I decided it needed a bit of brightening up...

Remember this??

Well it's now on the bag!!  Lots more to be put on though!  Great way of showing off motifs!!  When I've finished I'm going to have a VERY tatty bag!!

Mind you... it was 'smuggling' last week!!  We were in Germany for a few days, and on the way back to the ferry we called in at Schaeveningen on the coast of the Netherlands not far from the ferry.  There was an 'Aircooled' festival in aid of Kids with Cancer and we found this gal who decided she wanted to come and live in the UK!!

Cute isn't she? Later on she was showing us how to wear a sun hat!!

Li'l Miss can't say her (the bears) name so she's known as Skev!!

Chat soon

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Motifs with Passion!!

So, you read I'm sure, that a certain Tatty OG from a famous town 'down south' had said that the Pigmini Family from Yorkshire had named that motif....

Thought I'd share with you how come...

You see... I had the pleasure of test tatting the pattern!  I'll show you:

First up is the one that told me I must learn to read destructions!! That and the thread being 2 different thicknesses didn't help and this happened!!

The pattern 'bowed' in the middle!

Serves me right for using up thread on shuttles and not reading the pattern!! Vbg

Shuttles were rewound and the destructions followed...

The colours I'd picked reminded peeps in the house of... Passionflowers!!!

Now the furry cushion the passionflower is laid on is very warm and frequently sits on my knee! She purrs a bit and complains when I move her, but she makes an excellent back cloth for display!! Lol  Thanks for letting me use your back Luna!!

Chat soon