Tuesday 26 January 2021


 The latest picture of the evolving of Barmy Bonkers the Beaversquirrel involves the error in the ways of a TOG 'somewhere down south'.  This particular TOG did spot that an error had been made on the pattern, and it was corrected.  Well, it was spotted after someone pointed it out, and it wasn't me!!  I spotted it but others had got there before me!!

Anyway, he's been photographed and is definitely looking forward to the next bit of the pattern!!  Beaversquirrels are shy by nature, and don't come into full view most of the time.  You may spot one in the Autumn (Fall) when they can be seen very occasionally on the ground, but still spend most of their time hiding in branches where there are still a few leaves yet to fall.  As I said a few days ago they turn white in the winter when there's snow, and if it's raining we never look up to see if we can see them!  If it's frosty they're grey and can be mistaken for the Grey Squirrel that's so prevalent in England, but not in Scotland, where they may well turn red and be mistaken for the Red Squirrel.  In the spring they're wood coloured and look like tree branches because they sit very still near the trunk.  Then they are often mistaken for sleeping owls!!

Right, here's the latest picture!!

Sunday 24 January 2021

Day 6

 Afternoon Folks!

So,  as nobody seemed to have a preference on a name, the name stands as Barmy Bonkers the Beaversquirrel!  In the pictures over the last 5 or so posts you can see the way he is evolving.  It may well be that when he's fully formed he's something entirely different but at present he remains as above!!  The reason for the double barrelled name is because nobody is quite sure that there are two of them or just the one.... so it may well be that Barmy and Bonkers are one and the same.

Today he is modelling on the other house cat.  We've actually got 3, but the third one has moved down the street because the cat flaps are always open and there is always a dog bowl full of cat biscuits on the floor. The house is known locally as Cat Cafe!!  That cat only has 3 legs after having an argument with a train as a kitten.  His brother is shown below, he's so laid back he's almost horizontal!  Loves fireworks, snow, etc and does not get fazed by much.  The other model is black and white and known by me as the permanent lodger!  She moved in several years ago as a kitten belonging to one ofYoung Sir's ex girlfriends.  The cat stayed the girlfriend didn't!

This is why I say I have one and three quarters cats and a permanent lodger!

Anyway, back to Barmy Bonkers.... As you can see he is evolving slowly!!  It remains to be seen just exactly how he looks when finished!!

Thursday 21 January 2021

Guess what??

 Reading through the TIAS blog for today, I discovered Maureen from Oz had suggested that it may be a platypus and it put me in mind of the first cat we had when we first moved here.  He came from next door as a kitten.  We had duck on Christmas Day and gave him bits at lunchtime.  He spent the whole afternoon stretched out in front of the fire (along with all the men of the family in chairs) asleep.  He became known as the Duck Filled Fatty Puss!!  Unfortunately he was killed the next year on the railway line.  The first of a long line of kittys!

Anyway, I digress.... Maureen, I hate to say it, but you got your Rabbit a few years ago!  I named mine Campbell so I remember!!  So you can't have a fattypuss this year!  It's definitely Barmy, my Beaversquirrel!

Incidentally, another little known fact about Beaversquirrels in winter, is that they can turn white at the sight of snow!  We're sure that there are some outside of Young Sir's house, but, with 5 inches of snow this morning, no-one can tell!  Like the Scottish Loch Dragons (MacVroom, in 2013!) of a few more years ago, that fly only when it's raining, and the Albino ones only fly when it's snowing so you can't see them, the Beaversquirrel turns white and sits on the tree branches in plain sight!  The rest of the year they're leaf coloured!  I'll show you once I've spotted them when I next go up to Scotland!  Eek!! That's made me realise I only came back to tatting 9 years ago!!  Hadn't done any since I left school!  In 2013 Jane's TIAS was the Pram, I asked if I could join, and the reply was.... "of course you can, you daft moo"!!  Anyone who has the audacity to call me a daft moo is either bonkers or as sane as I am and definitely deserves to be a friend!  Tat's just given me a thought.... do I change his name??  Barmy or Bonkers??  He could be Bonkers because it's snowing in Scotland, so his brother has turned white and is busy bonking people on the head with snowballs!!

So, here's how far I've got with Barmy or Bonkers!

As for his name.... Your Call Folks!!!

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Tat It And See

 Now I know I'm known as a Teller of Tall Tales in this part of Yorkshire.  I've just sent my Day 4 offering to that TOG down south, modelled once again by the cat who insists on being on my knee if I'm sitting down and she's indoors!!

Anyway, this storyteller has a cat rather than a dog.  I have already told my crazy TOG friend this story, but I'm sharing it with everyone here as well....

So, we were supposed to helping (socially distanced and with full PPE provided) out today, but thanks to the weather we’re not, we’re staying home safe!!  It’s given me chance to do my Day 4.

I realised it's not an EFUS!!

I have now decided what this is.  It’s a Beaversquirrel!  Beaversquirrels are extremely rare which is why you have never heard of them.  They are found in the denser forests of the Scottish Highlands where there is an abundance of waterfalls and fast flowing rivers with lots of trees on the sides. Beaversquirrels live in the trees along the banks and hide in plain sight because they’re camouflaged!  They have the tail of a beaver and the body of a squirrel, hence the name.

Here’s my Beaversquirrel so far:  His name is Barmy because he’s the amalgamation of ideas between 2 barmy TOGs one in Stratford and one in Yorkshire!!

Chat soon

Friday 15 January 2021

TIAS Day 2

 Ok Peeps can someone please explain to me why I look at the destructions for day 2 and promptly put in extra picots on EVERY ring??

Yes, I'm the bonkers TOG that did that!!  Not only that, but I started a second one and did exactly the same!!  It was when I was at the end of Day 1 for the second set that it dawned on me!!  So, that was cut off and the first one was undone!!  How crazy can I get?? (Don't answer that.... I'm totally crazy, I already know!!)

Anyway, I've redone that one, and will get around to redoing the second one, maybe a pic tomorrow!  This part is modelled by the cat!  My semi permanent laprug in the winter!!  I'm still thinking it's my elephants foot.... you can see the toes!! Lots of toes!! VBG

Here you go!

Wednesday 13 January 2021


I do love it when a certain TOG friend decides to run a TIAS. We've missed them!! If you don't know what I'm talking about head over here. My contribution for yesterday is below. I've decided it's definitely an Elephants Foot Umbrella Stand this year! Jane loves to tease us, but it's my decision!! Those of you who remember will know that every year it's my guess till it's obviously not... I'll get it this year for sure! On other levels, we're still in the lockin here in the UK. Only go shopping once a week for the longer lasting essentials, and things like bread when I run out. Catfood is usually what I run out of.... depends on the weather as to how much the cats eat indoors! One cat has moved down the street because they've a catflap thats permanently open and food down all the time. All the street cats go and help themselves, we call it Cat Cafe! They get to socialise more than we do!! Anyway, here's my EFUS after Day 1.... He's allowed to stand on the laptop until he gets too big and heavy for it!! VBG