Sunday 14 February 2021

The End

Of another Tat It And See has been reached. Always a slightly sad day, but it's a great chance to perfect new skills by making more! Gives you chance to practice... Be it split rings, the shoe lace trick, adding beads to your tatting...

Barmy Bonkers the Beaversquirrel Fox is a bookmark as you can clearly see, if you leave his nose and eyes out he can make sure nobody but you moves him! However, we all know that foxes are partial to nutty squirrels, and nutty squirrels like nothing better than to bed down for the winter in a nice hole. If you leave this bookmark alone for too long you may find that he has shredded the inside of your book for a warm bed! Beaversquirrels are slightly better in that they don't hibernate, but they are partial to shredding paper to imitate snow! Gives them something to do when it's too cold for us to spend much time outdoors, this means that they can't bonk us on the head with snowballs  from the snow on tree branches! So Watch Out! I hope you have all enjoyed this tatty tale!

1 comment:

  1. I only know that foxes live in boxes and wear sockses. The poem says there are three of them, so two more will join mine in due course.
    I loved this TIAS!
