Saturday 6 April 2013

Grannys' a Star!!!

Ok so maybe not.... but it is my way of telling you all that that is what I'm to be!!! Not so much VBG as HUGE BG!!! LOL  Not while November though, so I've got plenty of time to get used to the idea that I'm sharing a bed with a Grandad! ROTFL  Our daughter & son-in-law announced the news by giving me a box with 'Grandma's are Angels in Disguise' written inside a heart on the outside, and a paper roll on the inside saying that Grandma and Grandad required for around 5th November!!

Right, these diamond earrings I seem to be addicted to.... well, they start off as a set of 6 as shown below.  You can then build it up to more until the mat is as big as you would like it to be!  Thanks for the ideas Jane! (You can see the original pattern here).

Now this is the start of possibly a table cloth.  I've decided that it's a good way of using up relatively short bits of thread!! So, this started off because after I'd done the hankie edge I'd got some green thread left on a shuttle, and when I'd done the motifs I'd got some variegated pink and plain pink!  My excuse and I'm sticking to it!! LOL  When I get fed up of the pattern as earrings, then they may just go on this!! VBG

Anyway, here it is, and you never know it may just 'expand' along with our daughters waistline!!


  1. Congratulations Gramma!
    Is this your first?
    I have 11 of them, 6 girls and 5 boys. They are so much fun.
    Have fun with your mat and earrings.

  2. Yes, the first!! Can't wait!! VBG
