Tuesday 19 January 2021

Tat It And See

 Now I know I'm known as a Teller of Tall Tales in this part of Yorkshire.  I've just sent my Day 4 offering to that TOG down south, modelled once again by the cat who insists on being on my knee if I'm sitting down and she's indoors!!

Anyway, this storyteller has a cat rather than a dog.  I have already told my crazy TOG friend this story, but I'm sharing it with everyone here as well....

So, we were supposed to helping (socially distanced and with full PPE provided) out today, but thanks to the weather we’re not, we’re staying home safe!!  It’s given me chance to do my Day 4.

I realised it's not an EFUS!!

I have now decided what this is.  It’s a Beaversquirrel!  Beaversquirrels are extremely rare which is why you have never heard of them.  They are found in the denser forests of the Scottish Highlands where there is an abundance of waterfalls and fast flowing rivers with lots of trees on the sides. Beaversquirrels live in the trees along the banks and hide in plain sight because they’re camouflaged!  They have the tail of a beaver and the body of a squirrel, hence the name.

Here’s my Beaversquirrel so far:  His name is Barmy because he’s the amalgamation of ideas between 2 barmy TOGs one in Stratford and one in Yorkshire!!

Chat soon

1 comment:

  1. TIAS is so much fun. I'm looking forward to day five
