Tuesday 26 January 2021


 The latest picture of the evolving of Barmy Bonkers the Beaversquirrel involves the error in the ways of a TOG 'somewhere down south'.  This particular TOG did spot that an error had been made on the pattern, and it was corrected.  Well, it was spotted after someone pointed it out, and it wasn't me!!  I spotted it but others had got there before me!!

Anyway, he's been photographed and is definitely looking forward to the next bit of the pattern!!  Beaversquirrels are shy by nature, and don't come into full view most of the time.  You may spot one in the Autumn (Fall) when they can be seen very occasionally on the ground, but still spend most of their time hiding in branches where there are still a few leaves yet to fall.  As I said a few days ago they turn white in the winter when there's snow, and if it's raining we never look up to see if we can see them!  If it's frosty they're grey and can be mistaken for the Grey Squirrel that's so prevalent in England, but not in Scotland, where they may well turn red and be mistaken for the Red Squirrel.  In the spring they're wood coloured and look like tree branches because they sit very still near the trunk.  Then they are often mistaken for sleeping owls!!

Right, here's the latest picture!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG - you ‘outed’ me and my mistake!!! Of course my reason for it was to see if you were awake!!!! Your ‘story’ is getting more and more complicated - you’ll have the creatures breeding soon!!!
