Monday, 1 June 2015

Miss Me??

Well, as you know, I've been in Tenerife for a week!! We had fun while we were there!! Did a little tatting, a lot of un-tatting, re-read the pattern, did a little tatting, and then a little un-tatting!!

Before I show you what I did, I must tell you about Morgana.  Now some people wanted to know just HOW Morgana would escape from Barney (if you remember this post)!!  I promise to show you how...

You see she 'hides' underneath the flap!!  You can see her disappearing under there on the picture!! VBG  Not daft these Dutch Mice with their clogs... and they can creep so Barney can't hear her even with her clogs on!!

Li'l Miss is off back out to Spain as we speak!!  Went to see her yesterday morning for a short while.  Played in the garden with a ball, and with some of her toys inside... I'm kitty sitting while they're away!!  Let's hope they have good weather!!

Here she is taking a 'selfie' with Mummy.  Madam doesn't say 'cheese'.... she says 'Cake'!! LOL

Anyway, I've finally managed to finish Round 3 of that there Monster Doiley of Jan Stawatz!!  Here it is... my Wisteria Doiley... so far!!

Before I finish this post, I will show you the apartment in Tenerife... our 'studio' where the beds are in the lounge!!

Here you go!!

Chat soon


  1. Love the Wisteria doily - trying to catch up with you and failing miserably!!!

    1. Well, you might just manage to overtake me with the meetings I have next week!!! Vbg

  2. Me! - that was me - I was worrying about the mouse.....and that is a very bijou apartment, but I don't suppose you spent too much time inside!

    1. You don't do you?? Not when you're on holiday!! Sleep and ablutions really!! Sometimes coffee on the balcony! That's it!!

      Now you can see that Morgana is fine!!

  3. Phew, relieved that Morgana is fine, although you did not still complete the story ;-P
    Lovely pics .... glad you had a wonder'full' vacation :-)

    1. Promise to tell you more about their escapades in future 'instalments'

  4. Beautiful start on your doily!!! :)

    1. Thanks Miss!! I'll share the next round soon as well!!
