Thursday, 15 January 2015

Late Christmas!!!!

Look what I got in the post yesterday!!!!

It was a late Christmas pressie from Young Sir!!  He couldn't think of what to get me.... so offered to put some pennies in my Paypal account... this is the result!!! YEAY!!!!

Right, so, do I carry on with the TIAS, do I carry on with the bracelet or do I find some thread and play with baubles???? VBG  Just did some printing out of patterns too... and Young sir's girlfriend fell in love with a certain OG's Hummingbird!!  May just have to do that as well in Rainbow colours!!  This is the girlfriend that had a significant birthday last year and got Leif the Red Minor Norwegian Flying Dragon Bookmark.... of course you remember the one... full of puns it was.... Leif (Leaf), Red (read), and he had a long tail and no spikes, but if you leave him in one place too long he reduces your book to.... Tatters!!!

Nope, no good, I shall just HAVE to find some thread and some more spare shuttles!!!

Chat later!!


  1. Congratulations ! We will get to see a a lot more mice peeking from round a corner ;-)
    Enjoyed reading your hilarious post :-D
    Tat on !

    1. Cheers Muskaan!! Mouses to the fore!!! VBG If I can get one dunned before the end of the TIAS then you may just see him peeking....

  2. Oooo, there's a MOUSE coming......!
