Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Merry!!!

Morning Folks!!  Yet another New Year Dawns!!!  Our cats let it in last night.... and possibly out again when they disappeared into the field on a mouse hunt!! LOL  So A Happy New Whatsit to all my dear readers!!! (if there are any that is!!) VBG

Right, so what have you all been doing over Silly Season??  I finished off yet another pair of earwigs and put them somewhere.... when I find them again I'll share a pic!!!  I also got out me thread stash and discovered a couple of 'earth tone' variegateds that I decided should go together.... this is the result so far....

Now have you spotted this years deliberate error????  Must rectify that 'line' at some point!!  LOL  I've been at this pattern since last year!!!! (AGES!!!!) (Well, in reality, since Tuesday evening.....)!Rofl  The pattern is the Chicken Wing Doily over on Jane E's site.  I'm not posting a link until she finished revamping her site.... just in case!!!

Oh, and here's a pic of they there deer that were eating the hedge.... but not on this pic!!!  Early morning gold light on frost with long shadows doesn't give high definition.... but I say THANKS to Sir for sharing them!!

Li'l Miss was all ready for Silly Season in the following pics too.... supplied by Mummy of course!!  She loved the idea of ripping paper off pressies.... VBG

The stool she's sitting on in the first pic was a present from us.... child size stool/small occasional table, which ever you prefer.... hand made with a HUGE sun carved and painted into the top!!!  Brilliant!!  She loves sitting on it, like the chair in the second pic.... where Sock Monkey is residing!!

Anyway, back to me coffee n 'stuff'.... (tatty 'stuff' that is!!! LOL)

Chat soon!!


  1. Same link as before, Sue. Love the picture of Lil Miss on her stool. Bless the hungry deer. You're so good to feed them so well.

  2. Lovely picture of deers and your dear! Have a tatty 2015!

  3. Your chicken wing doily is off to an awesome start!!! :)

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